Posted On: 24 Aug 2016

Secret to SUCCESSFUL Digital transformation – Unveiled

Digital Transformation! Digital Transformation!

It has become a hype among industries across the globe. And, do not deny that you are also one of those who is running behind to transform your business digitally.

Do not worry! You are not only one who is putting all the efforts to attain successful Digital transformation, instead there are hundreds and thousands who are running to grab the key for unlocking the gateway of Digital Transformation.

Tech giants who are ruling the marketplace and celebrating their success are the ones who have actually mastered Digital Transformation. Now, you must be wondering why you are not one of them.

Let us tell you! No doubt, you have put all the efforts, expenses and resources to transform, but you missed blocking the loophole through which some percentage of your inputs leaked out. There are many enterprises who are struggling like you and seeking the solution.

Do you know, what was the obstruction in the path of your success? Let us tell you.

Where did you lagged in Digital Transformation journey?

Imagine, you have filled only the half of the fuel tank of your car, but expecting it to run for extra miles. That is not at all possible!

Similar happens, when you(as an enterprise) input less to your business model, but your customer expects more(output).

As per a few stats, when talking about the enterprise side out of 74% digital executives, only 15% are well-skilled in implementing the digital transformation. Flipping onto the customer side, 74% of the buyers make a research about the product before buying it. This clearly means that the inlet of the selling pipeline is smaller than that of the outlet.

In order to grab the customer, it is important to maintain the proportion between the inlet and outlet of selling channel.

Wait! This was not the only solution to attain fully-fledged Digital Transformation, but Digital Maturityis also another factor.

Wondering? What is Digital maturity?

Digital Maturity is when digital activities are blended with strong leadership and ultimately technology turns into transformation.

Now, when you have got familiar with Digital Maturity, you must be wishing to unmask the elements that can help attaining the Digital Maturity and ultimately the Digital Transformation.

Elements of Digital Transformation – Unwrapped

  • Customer Experience

Understanding, delivery of service and ease in accessibility are the simple building blocks to revamp customer experience.


How will you be able to serve when you don’t understand the requirement? For an instance, let us assume a shopkeeper selling a pair of shoes to the customer who was looking for a shirt. Despite of having the stock of shirts, the shopkeeper failed to understand the requirement and lost the customer.

Similar can happen to you, if you don’t understand the customer’s requirement, expectation level and satisfaction criteria. Make analysis of social media & previous investments, create online communities for your customers, introduce interactive interfaces, improve portfolios & cost-structures and integrate analytic capability within your system.

Are you expecting some magic that can do all this for you? Well! There exists software and platforms that can update your selling platform automatically in response to demand, inventory levels, weather and closing time.

Delivery of Service

What if, you have dropped a query to a customer support for your microwave and getting the response after a month or two? Will it be worth? Definitely not, instead you will switch to other brand.

This could happen to your business as well, if you will not respond and deliver instant support to your customer when it is required utmost. They will automatically get associated with an enterprise that will respond for support or advice via real-time communication method.

Wondering for such interface? Yes! It is absolutely possible to integrate customer purchasing data for customizing product packages, personalizing sales & customer service and extracting customer’s activities. That’s true! You can help your customers to streamline shopping process, choose a specific time for delivery and avail latest offers.

Ease in Accessibility

Your washing machine suddenly stopped in-between with clothes stuck in it. What will you expect? Service within two-three days or within an hour? Definitely, you will expect them to respond within minutes after you registered your complaint.

If you will also deliver the same response or customer support to your customers, they will never leave you. Instead you will be able to gain a good reputation and even increase in number of clients. Well! You can even imagine yourself getting maximum number of clients and one of the business aces across the globe.

This could definitely happens to you with the software that are automated for responding instantly to the customers. With automated software, you can even response through the most trending communication platform like SMS, emails and WhatsApp.

  • Internal Processes

No doubt, revamping the customer experience is viable, but transforming operational processes is also crucial. Digitally augmenting the operations, organizational elements and analytics is the key to transform operational processes facilely.


In the fast pace moving world, every single thing is expected to perform in a single touch. People have moved to e-mails against sending letters, e-ticketing against standing at the ticket window, e-banking against standing for hours in the bank and e-commerce against visiting the retail store.

Every single thing has become a piece of cake when “e” has been added to the process. Tasks of days has been reduced to hours, hours to minutes and minutes to seconds. Akin to this, the internal process can also be digitally transformed and the productivity time can be reduced upto 30% which can be utilized for boosting productivity rate.

Custom frameworks can do such transformations by diminishing the labor requirement, enhancing the product quality and improving the safety performances.

Organizational Elements

Being an entrepreneur, you also wish for reducing the expenses of organizational elements like internet connection, desktop, maintenance and other resources.

Your wish can come true. Yes! You heard it right. There exists enterprises that has rearranged its headquarters such that not even CEO have a separate desk. The employees and management can work from their desired location and when required, they can come to the office till their task is completed.

Collaboration of machines with versatile networking tools has made this possible. And, now people are rushing behind to adopt the similar real-time system. Now, what are you waiting for? Rush, grab and enjoy the success of your enterprise.


Isn’t it a bit difficult to keep the record of all the copies of receipts, quotations and other data crucial for the enterprise? Either you lose it or you find difficult to find out instantly when you need to make analysis. And, then you feel like tearing your hair and wish for a button that can produce the record on a single click.

What do you think, business giants like Amazon, Flipkart and Apple keep the records in paper or folders (in system). NO! They own digital systems and even custom frameworks that not only allow to access all the data in seconds, but also allow their customers to get detail of all their past transactions and purchases. This not only help them to make analysis in minutes, but also help customers to avail self-service and ease of purchase.

In the world of digital transformation, upgrade your existing record keeping systems with customized analytics system. Make regular analysis accessing previous records, past transactions, customer’s activities, expenses and other important data without the help of any dedicated resource.

  • Business Models

If you think, transforming customer experience and internal process was just enough. Let us correct you, it is not! Instead you not only need your upgraded system to perform, but also interact.

Modified business process, new digital product/services and digital globalization can help you winning a system that will interact.

Modified Business Process

Imagine a grocery store, wrapped its operations with digital technology. What will it gain after two years? Any guesses? It will gain 13% hike in the number of customers.

Sounds good. Isn’t it? But if a store wrapped its operations with digital technology. Alongside, it has modified its way of doing the business. Now, what will it gain after two years? It will not gain 13%, but 20% hike in the number of customers.

You could also gain that 20%, by not only adding the digital technology as the base, but amending the business process as well.

New Digital Products/Services

You have two choices; online store ‘A’ updating you with status of your order hour by hour and other online store ‘B’ not updating the status of order precisely. Which online store, you will opt for? Definitely store ‘A’.

Yes! You got it right. Upgrading the business process with digital technology is good, but it is equally important to introduce digital methods, products and platforms to help customer to get each bit of detail about their availed services.

Aim at integrating the customized real-time platform which can help your customer to keep track of all the detail of their product including price, model number, comparison with other similar products(similar brand), estimated delivery time and other related information. This will let them feel, you are always there with them till the delivery of the product.

Digital Globalization

You are getting good responses from other countries and want to set-up your enterprise there itself for growth perspective. What will you do? Wait for a month or two to relocate and set-up all the organizational elements at new location? You may do it successfully, but can you bare the loss of that one or two months?

Enterprises who went globally digitalized don’t suffer suffer such losses. This is because they have adopted digital global shared services for HR, finance and even core capabilities.

You might be also wondering for such magic that can help you relocating within a few days without making any impact on efficiency and excess demand. Do not worry! You can also promote efficiency and reduce different risks by adopting global shared services.

It was just 3 elements

The blend of just three elements; Customer Experience, Internal Process and Business Models is enough for you to acquire a successful Digital Transformation.

The story doesn’t ends here. Make sure you amend these three elements further digitally, so that you do not leave any loophole to your efforts.

HyTechPro, as a Partner

In the recent years, the presence and necessity of Digital Transformation has reached the next level. In this scenario, we put ourselves as a key potential partner in providing Digital Transformation to industries including healthcare, banking, finance and insurance across the globe.

We as a Digital Transformation solution partner, hold in-depth expertise in offering our very own custom frameworks. In past, we have delivered a plethora of customized solutions to our clients. Our offerings are available for both enterprises and end market.

Our other expertise includes:

  • Salesforce
  • Business Intelligence

All we need is your idea, and we shall discuss on how thought provoking solution can be developed. Let us know a preferable time to begin on this.

Let us know, what you think:


Contact Number: +1-888-683-8281

By Neeraj Garg


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